Let Us Help You Slash Your Property Taxes
It's Your Money, You Need to Keep it !
We Have the Solution ... Don't Pay More than YOUR FAIR share any longer, just give us a call .... It's Just 3 Easy Steps .... and we'll do the rest ....

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Fulton, Forsyth, Cobb & Jackson
You Only Have

Days Left To SLASH Your 2015 Property Taxes
  • Tired of Paying More than Your FAIR Share?
  • Tired of Paying More and More, Year after Year, for what you OWN?
  • Tired of seeing YOUR Discretionary Income  disappear, because of UNFAIR TAXES coming out of YOUR Pocket?
  • Tired of Wondering what YOU can do to CHANGE It?
   Let  the Appraisal Professionals at
   SlashMyPropertyTaxes.Com give
   you the help you deserve.

   Starting at just $179, we will
   perform a preliminary valuation of
   your home and file the required
   documents to appeal the
   assessment on your property with
   your County Tax Assessor.  If
   that's not enough to get you a fair
   assessment, we can provide you
   with a complete property appraisal
   TAXES to current MARKET levels.
Click Here For a Free TAX SAVINGS Estimate
  STEP 1
  Sign up online at SlashMyPropertyTaxes.Com or call 1-770-339-6279 or 1-678-
  923-9742 for a FREE savings estimate. A SlashMyPropertyTaxes.Com
  property tax agent will explain the process and answer any questions you may
  have. We will give you an estimate of how much money we can save you.
  STEP 2
  We will send you a Terms and Conditions Agreement via email, fax, or mail.  Or
  you can download the form here. You simply fill out the form and send it back to
  us together with payment (personal check) as instructed.
  STEP 3
  We do all the work:
  • First, we conduct a desktop appraisal of your property to determine market value for appeal purposes.
  • Next we evaluate all rent roles and P&L statements for your property (income producing property only).
  • Our team then prepares and submits all required county documents.
  • For an additional fee, we will act as your agent with all county appraisers and the Assessment Appeals Boards, and represent you at all Assessment Appeals Board hearings.  Click here to start your FREE savings estimate.

Please call 1-770-339-6279 or 1-678-923-9742 For More Details.
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