Our Team
It's Your Money, You Need to Keep it !
The team at SlashMyPropertyTaxes.Com is comprised of real estate property experts with more than 100 years of cumulative experience in real estate valuation, appraisal, tax assessment and local market analysis.  We are the only local  professionals that truly understand your home and neighborhood values -- we are not just another national consulting company claiming they can help you locally (who then just outsource your valuation to local companies like ours).  We are local, Atlanta, based and we know what was happening before the real estate market crash, and we will be here to keep you informed on your home's value after the market's correction, and we are back on the road to improved, stable, values.

If you are tired of paying UNFAIR PROPERTY TAXES, then give us a call on 1-770-339-6279 or 1-678-923-9742, or Sign up online for a FREE savings estimate.  Click here to download our authorization agreement.
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