Our Service Guarantee
It's Your Money, You Need to Keep it !

Click here to Sign up online or call 1-770-339-6279 or 1-678-923-9742 for a FREE savings estimate.  Click here to download our authorization agreement.

In appreciation for our work, we encourage you to support one of
our favorite charities.  The Hudson Valley Dog Sanctuary, aka
HVDogS, is an East Coast based animal rescue 501(c)(3) that
provides pet care services and related products to people of age
and with special needs.  Through our relationship with HVDogS,
we transfer many of the dogs we rescue in the metro Atlanta area
to their organization for fostering and placement - they fund 100%
of the transportation expenses, and necessary vet expenses,
among other costs related to our rescued pups. Ultimately, your donations go to help promote the well-being of both dog and owner.

If you would like to donate some of your tax savings to HVDogS, we encourage you to do so by clicking here.  If you would like us to donate on your behalf, please let us know - we would suggest simply adding 10% to our fee, and we will send it on your behalf directly to HVDogS.  In return, HVDogS will send you a record of your donation for your 2010 tax records.

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© Copyright 2015 - SlashMyPropertyTaxes.Com
At SlashMyPropertyTaxes.Com, LLC, we are committed to the metro Atlanta community we serve, and in helping Georgia property owners get their property taxes reduced.

We promise to provide you with unmatched service from one or more of our qualified Georgia state licensed real property appraisors.  We will utilize the most detailed research tools, along with our experience and knowledge, to insure you are provided with the most fair and favorable results available.  No matter which valuation service we provide - Appeal, Complete Appraisal, Desktop Appraisal or Market Analysis - we are committed to making your experience a positive one.  You have our guarantee that we will never charge the excessive fees that our competitors' do.